Thursday 28 February 2013

ICTs and Learning Styles


Learning Styles Results

      Results for: Joe Laffey

      ACT                      X                            REF
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      SEN          X                                        INT
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      VIS                          X                        VRB
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      SEQ                          X                        GLO
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->


Felder and Soloman's online questionnaire suggests that my learning style is evenly distributed across all learning categories with the exception being that I am a more sensing then intuitive learner. According to Felder and Soloman a sensing learner is best equipped to learn when they can perform hands-on work that has a relevant connection to the real world and prefers problems that can be solved by conventional methods. Being given enough time to patiently learn and memorise facts is also suggested as an important trait with regard to this style of learner (Felder and Soloman). Funnily enough this to a certain degree does explain my experiences with regard to learning.  However neutral results scored in other learning styles suggests the ability to learn in my case is just as reliant on the other categories present in the inventory of Felder and Soloman. Therefore teachers should recognise the diversity that exists within their classrooms and strive to provide a variety of teaching strategies to ensure the best possible learning outcomes can be achieved for each child. The use of ICT's in the classroom breaks down barriers to learning that may occur as a result of disabilities, cultural differences, language barriers, varying learning styles and abilities by using interactive tools (ICT's) to create an inclusive classroom fostered by a willingness from the teacher to provide differentiation in the classroom environment.
LEARNING STYLES DO EXIST: Understanding The 12 Ways of Learning
