Saturday 2 March 2013

21st Century Learners- Reflection on Prensky's ideas

All children bring their own experiences, interests and abilities from different environmental backgrounds with them into the classroom. It is important for teachers to encourage students to share their prior experiences and  knowledge with other students as according to Vygotsky social interaction such as this has a major bearing on learning. The contemporary classroom is very diverse in context containing students from different cultures, different socio-economic backgrounds and includes students with disabilities. Therefore I do not entirely agree that all children "demand" technology in the classroom, some might find it more engaging then others but we can't bundle everyone into the same box.

However, the use of technology to engage learners in todays society can't be ignored either. Contemporary society is reliant on ICT to support our economies, break down the tyranny of distance, improve and sustain our way of life. The role of educators is to ensure our children make a successful transition from schooling into contemporary society and all children need to learn how to use ICT to enhance their prospects of success later in life.

Educators must understand that technology allows children an alternative method to control their environment, solve problems, develop literacy or numeracy and be creative.  
Moreover, teachers should also realise technology media, although an essential learning resource in contemporary society, should only be used as a support for traditional methods as it can hinder concentration, physical wellbeing (obesity), creative imaginative expression, reduces language development and social interaction.
I think the secret to engage students is to find the right balance with different teaching strategies and available resources and ICT is just one resource teachers can use to assist in delivering curriculum outcomes. Will failing to do this enrage students? Not sure but it could certainly create behavioural problems and possibly cause great frustration to the teacher as well!

21st Century Learners Video

Thelning& Lawes. (n.d). Information and communication technologies (ICT) in the early years: The connections between early childhood principles, beliefs about children’s learning, and the influences of information and communication technology. Government of South Australia Department for Education and Child Development. Retrieved from CQUniversity e-courses, EDEC11021 Play Based Learning,  

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