Thursday 11 April 2013

Working legally, safely and ethically online

According to Leech (2006) teachers must overcome difficulties associated with issues such as plagiarism, piracy, equitable use, inappropriate web material and cyberbullying to ensure ICT use can provide acceptable learning outcomes. To achieve this teachers must consider the importance of censorship in contrast to protection, free speech as opposed to responsibility and privacy versus control measures (Leech, 2006).

Teachers need to understand and take ownership of school policy to minimise the risk associated with the use of ICT technology for the educational purposes of their students. Risk management issues such as information sharing, copyright and intellectual property infringements are catalysts for compromising the privacy or safety of children under the teachers care. Failure to follow the correct protocol in regard to school policy will lead to breaches in a teachers duty of care which can lead to conviction under Queensland State Government legislation. The following link provides access to Queensland school Risk Management processes. 

The Department of Education, Training and Employment (2012) in Queensland provides information regarding policy and resources to assist teachers to overcome difficulties that may be experienced implementing the use of ICT in classroom environments. The following link provides access to the webpage for information and resources for school staff 

Trusting interactive school environments are built around policy which fosters the values and beliefs highly sought within the school community. 'Habits of the mind' are dispositions which determine how children react to and solve problems. Teachers who fail to display the appropriate values, beliefs and behaviour can have a negative affect on a child developing appropriate dispositions.

Habits of the Mind


Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE). (2002). Risk management. Retrieved from

Leech, R. (2006). Internet ethics morality for an online world. Teacher. 172, 14-17. Retrieved from;res=AEIPT;dn=154066

Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE). (2012). Information and resources for school staff. Retrieved from

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